Stikki Peaches' works invite you to pause, analyze, and will likely leave you feeling nostalgic. His style is rooted in this spirit of reusing and recycling, where a myriad of techniques are combined to reveal what can be thought of as "beautifully controlled chaos". His vibrant compositions feature the influential figures of his childhood, mythical characters, political leaders, and cultural icons. Stikki Peaches sees art as an escape, an outlet that allows him to move away from what hinders his growth as an artist and as a human. His tagline "What if Art Ruled the World?" fits this context. This question echoes the artist's stance, suggesting that conflicts and disasters affecting our society would have no basis if the world were governed by art. Through his works, the artist invites the onlooker to contemplate the effect and importance of art. His practice aims ultimately to democratize it: by taking his work to the streets and incorporating pop culture references, he distances himself from elitism often associated with the contemporary art world.